TCEP Mission Statement
_Building on the University of Texas tradition of distinguished scholarship, the Texas Center for Education Policy is committed to research on equity and excellence in PK-16 education. The Center will promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research, analysis, and
dissemination of information to impact the development of educational policy by bringing together university entities in partnership with local, state, national and international education communities. TCEP Theory of Action
The concept of "engaged policy" best conveys the notion that policy is not dormant. It is not a law, statute, or procedural handbook. It is an action; it is a verb. It represents the merging of policy and civic engagement. Here is a PowerPoint of the TCEP theory of action that simultaneously explains the Center's singular accomplishment regarding the elimination of high-stakes testing for third graders in the state of Texas in the 2009, 82nd Regular Session of the Texas State Legislature, positively affecting 300,000 children, beginning Fall, 2010. We continue to work each session on eliminating the invalid and unfair uses of standardized tests in all other grades; however, we also work to elaborate an alternative system of test-based accountability that you can read about here.
Here I am in a photo with State Representatives Roberto Alonzo and Armando Walle and Bowen Scholars visitng with TCEP as it is regarded as a Model for Policy Research, Analysis, and Development by the Bowen Institute for Policy Studies-Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California. TCEP was formally recognized during the 2013 Texas House of Representatives with House Resolution 775 that explictly recognizes the Center's contributions to leadership with respect to policy analysis and the development of effective policies. Here is the press release on the Bowen Scholars' visit and HR 775.
TCEP organizes a number of public events annually such as the ones appearing below. Our Brown Bag series has been particularly successful at drawing audiences from outside of the university and the Center's book events such as those featured below always take place outside of the university in the larger community in order to attract broader, especially local, audiences beyond "the hedges" of the sometimes intimidating space of the university. These events have also been hugely successful and are now a regularly featured activity particularly for Austin's Latino community. As you can see from the flyers, many of our events are co-sponsored, meaning that many organizations both on campus and beyond have supported the Center over the years. Check out the TCEP Graduate Seminar and TCEP's Texas Faces the Future Distinguished Lecture tabs for more information on other policy-related programming that we know makes a difference in the world. |